How to get out of a bad mood fast? Become happy instantly

Introducing the topic 

Why my mood is so bad? How do I stop being in a negative mood? How do I fix my mood? I know you want answers to all these questions and every human comes across these thoughts in their lives and hates getting into a really bad mood. But don't worry as it is the most common issue and everyone faces it. Although there is plenty of happiness on this planet, however sometimes we find ourselves stuck and caught up in a bad mood and we just can’t figure a way out. But guess what I have got you. I won’t tell you to think positive because I know you can’t do that right now that’s why you are here, or I won’t tell you to go out or meet friends because if you could go out you would have already gone by now and not sitting here reading this. For this reason, I will tell you real things that will improve your mood instantly and things that are possible for you to do at this time. Sometimes we can’t do what we want to do, but we can do what we can. After reading this you will always have a way to improve your mood and know the answer to how do you get rid of a bad mood fast. I will tell you some amazing things to do when you are bored, these are my things to do when I am bored. So let’s jump into it without making you more irritated.

How do you get out of a bad mood fast? 

Things to do when you are in a bad mood.  

Self Care 

What better thing to do than self-care, we say we don’t have time for ourselves so let’s use this time when we don’t know what to do and put some love into ourselves. I will list the things that are very exciting and also helpful for your body. It will improve your health and put you in a better mood instantly. 

  1. Face wash. Washing your face often is a highly underrated act. The peace and pleasure felt after a washed face can’t be achieved with anything else. It is like washing all your frustration and worrying away. So when you are upset get up and thoroughly but gently rub every part of your face and take your time while rubbing your cleanser or soap or face wash, anything that you like. You will have much cleaner-looking skin and your skin problems will also fade away. You will feel much rejuvenated and light after that. Contacting with water šŸ’¦ takes away a lot of your stress with it and it will reset your brain to happiness. 
  2. Brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth often gives you a fresh mouth and uplifts your mood and you will successfully improve your mood. I have written a full post about this and how it will benefit you in so many ways and you will never have to worry about your teeth ever again. Give it a read here to know. 
  3. Scrubbing your feet. This is so fun to do, Sit in an open place where there is a tap and water is running in it. Scrub your feet with soap and a brush and you will have much cleaner feet without any pedicure.  You will enjoy it so much and you will naturally change your mood and be happy. 
  4. Cutting nails. We often don’t get time to do this. When you find yourself in a bad mood take a look at your growing nails. Cut them off immediately and you will save yourself from so many diseases and distress and these germs stuck underneath cause a lot of negatively. You will feel so clean and healthy after cutting that. 
  5. Oiling your hair. I have had rough hair all my life, but oiling changed my rough hair to smooth hair. So whenever you are sitting in a screws-up mood,  oil your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes, take a shower and you will just be in a fresh and happy mood all day because of your beautiful hair, all thanks to oiling. But don’t do it too often. Oil after every two showers. 
  6. Put some homemade mask on your face ( you can mix yogurt (dahi) + chickpea flour (besan) + a pinch of turmeric (haldi) ). Put it on for 20 minutes and wash it off. Such clean skin after this remedy will make you feel like flying. 

Doing these small acts puts you in a good mood fast and you immediately stop being in a negative mood. This happens because it makes you move and movement produces happy hormones so your mood is uplifted also it benefits your hygiene and you are rescued from health diseases and you are just a cleaner person. What else would make you happier than being clean? 

Trying new things 

1. Henna

Whenever I get irritated and am in a bad mood, nothing seems interesting so I start to put on Henna on my hands or sometimes feet as well. It is so fun to do. If you don’t already know how to do it. Then try simple designs and slowly you will learn to make beautiful designs. When your hands feel beautiful you will also feel good.

2. Cooking 

When you are frustrated, cooking helps you put in a better mood. Look out in the fridge and find out what ingredients are available, cook something that you already know or if you want to try something do that and you forget about your bad mood. Food always saves you. 

3. Singing 

I am not talking about becoming a rock star. Just put on your favorite song and sing along. Try to match your voice with the singer's voice and you will see how beautifully the sound of you and the song playing turns out. Your mood will be uplifted and happy. Improving your and making you happy, also tunes your voice, and who knows, maybe you discover a singer in yourself and begin to sing as a rock start one day. 

4. Cleaning and organising 

I can’t put enough emphasis on how cleaning and organizing your surroundings help you get rid of a bad mood. Clean anything, organize anything, your table, your bed, your cupboard, your shoes, makeup, and jewelry and it will reset your frustrated brain just like you reset your surroundings. 

The most important thing to clean is your phone and phone cover, it is essential to wash your cover if it is washable, and if not, use cleansing wipes (detail wipes) to clean out the bacteria on your phone and cover. A clean mobile looks like a new mobile and new things always give you happiness. You will feel so much better after doing this great service for yourself because dirty mobiles and covers are very harmful to your health. 

I think now you have enough ideas to improve your mood and doing any one of these acts will remove your negative thoughts and mood. Your feelings will only contain happiness and a sense of accomplishment which will make you happy and energised. It is never the big things we should be looking for to be happy, they only come rarely do we shouldn’t be dependent on big news to be in a good mood. Finding happiness in small things is the secret to training your brain to be happy all the time. Doing small acts for yourself puts your mood in a good mood as you know you have done something for yourself. So never underestimate the power of small things to bring happiness to our lives. 

Thank you for reading!


Rah the real way

Stories and spirituality by Rah