How to brush your teeth correctly to solve all your teeth problems, The real way



Introducing the topic

As for today, I am writing about the right way to brush your teeth. I learned this through a YouTube video of a YouTuber named Ali Abdaal, after listening to and actively applying it to my life I just can’t tell you enough how it has cured all of my teeth problems, from getting rid of bleeding gums to remove stain from teeth, and curing bad breath, it has solved all the issues. After implementing this technique and taking my oral health seriously my dentist complimented me on my teeth improved condition and specially asked about my oral hygiene routine after noticing the visible change in my teeth. My teeth became more white and the swollen gums were immensely reduced. All of this happened after I applied this method and put energies doing my oral hygiene routine. I will tell you the proper way to brush your teeth and how do you stop smelly breath and cure bad breath permanently at home.

The actual way to solve your problem

The real way to do this is, simply taking a minute or two extra while you are brushing. Giving it the proper time is the key. Brushing 2 to 4 minutes until you feel the toothpaste is a little dissolved in your mouth because it needs time to do its action on the bacteria. Just give it some minutes to fight and kill the bacteria and germs in your mouth, and you will feel the smoothness after it has done its job and you will have a fresh mouth all day. Also, remember that there is a lot of dirt and germs on your tongue which if not removed will cause bad breath so brush your tongue while doing your brush as well for improved breath.
Another thing I tried was double brushing, which is brushing your teeth two times at once. If someday you feel you have really dirty teeth go and brush, but don’t stop there, apply the paste again and repeat until you feel the smoothness. Whenever you are sitting free and feel like you should brush, don't think twice and brush that bacteria out of your mouth. Moreover make it a habit to brush whenever you head out of your house for any business no matter if you already did it in the morning, have a clean mouth when you step out and you will feel confident and fresh all day.
Brushing at night before going to bed is the most crucial and effective way for having the healthiest teeth, always remember that leaving bacteria in your mouth at night is like giving them their desired environment to easily destroy your teeth. You will see how clean your teeth will be the next morning and eventually you will lose your morning breath if you continue brushing your teeth before sleeping.
Brushing two to three times a day is very helpful and will remove all your worries of your teeth like bad breath, bleeding gums, and stained teeth. Using mouthwashes also helps with bad breath. You can buy any mouthwash or use a natural mouthwash which is the easiest thing to make. Adding a little salt to a glass of water and its done, rinse your mouth with to kill the bacteria sitting in your mouth. This also helps in maintaining the ph level of your mouth.

In conclusion, I would like to say that giving time and care to your teeth is all that is required, Worrying will not solve it, doing something everyday for your teeth is all they want and I promise if you take good care of them they will make you have the prettiest smile ever.


  1. Very informative content about awareness on brushing your teeth properly in today’s world. It has become a need of the hour to address such issues and ensure that dental procedures no longer create anxiety in patients. Working for the same cause, our team at the best dental clinic in Panchkula is also working effortlessly to provide treatments with minimally painful procedures and newest technology from abroad. The team works on customising the procedure according to the patient’s needs and preferences so that their dental and oral needs are met in a comfortable environment.

    1. Truly appreciate your endeavors for helping people in need of dental care. Putting your purest intentions in making people feel comfortable and doing minimal procedure is inspirational in today's world where everyone just care about the money. Very delighted to know you, thank you for commenting.


Rah the real way

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