How to be the Strongest Woman in the room

 If you find yourself yearning to be the most captivating presence in any room, fear not – the secrets are about to be unveiled. With these practices that I am about to tell you, you will discover the secret of powerful women who light up every room they enter. Every woman aspiring to make her identity known and live a life of her terms should know these practices and unlock the door to your innate power and charisma. 

Embrace Kindness:

  • Cultivate a warm and approachable demeanor.

In a world where strength is often associated with power and toughness, it's essential to remember that true strength goes beyond muscles and resilience. Becoming the strongest woman in the room involves embracing qualities like kindness, compassion, and positive behavior. You are not valued or looked up to by people around you if you are arrogant, boastful, or rude. Practice genuine kindness which acts like a superpower that radiates positive energy, making you attractive to those around you. When you treat others with genuine warmth and consideration, people are drawn to you. When people see you as approachable and caring, they'll want to be friends with you, sit with you, and support you. You feel loved and valued, this not only boosts your confidence but also surrounds you with a network of positive relationships that act as pillars of strength. Cultivating kindness within you is the foundation for building strong relationships that make you stronger. This leads us to the next step, which is;

Build Genuine Relationships:

  • Foster meaningful connections to build a supportive network

Positive relationships act as a safety net during tough times. Whether it's friends, family, or colleagues, a strong support system is crucial for personal growth. Having people who believe in you and stand by your side makes you stronger and more resilient in the face of adversity. building positive relationships is indeed about authenticity, shared values, and mutual support. Let's delve deeper into this aspect: Seek out individuals with similar values and beliefs. Build relationships with those who share common interests and values. Create connections based on genuine compatibility. Be genuine in your interactions, sharing your true thoughts and feelings. Recognize that authenticity is the foundation of strong and lasting connections. Be mindful of relationships that may harm your well-being. Understand that quality is more valuable than quantity when it comes to friendships. Invest time and energy in a handful of genuine connections. Surround yourself only with individuals who genuinely care about your success and happiness and you wish the same of them. Be there for your friends in times of need without expecting anything in return. Cultivate a network where support flows freely, creating a collective strength. Having such pure connections who will stand with you no matter what will not only make you the strongest woman in the room but in the entire world. These true connections are only the ones that make you strong and able to face any challenge.

Achieve Financial Independence:

  • Strive for financial autonomy to make independent choices.   

In the pursuit of true strength, there's a crucial aspect that often takes center stage: financial independence. For women, breaking free from the chains of financial dependency is a key step toward standing resilient in the face of challenges. When a woman can support herself financially, she gains the power to make choices based on her preferences and goals, rather than being bound by external influences. This financial freedom allows her to chart her course in life. Being financially independent means not relying on a family member, partner, or guardian for financial support. This means is not forced to endure a harmful or abusive relationship simply because she lacks the means to support herself. It provides the strength to walk away from situations that compromise her well-being fostering an environment where love and companionship are chosen willingly, not out of necessity. Being financially independent empowers women to make choices that align with their happiness and well-being.

Prioritize Personal Growth:

  • Seek opportunities for self-improvement and growth

Remember, becoming the strongest person in the room is not about overpowering others but about inspiring them with your good character and building a soft spot in everyone’s heart. That can only be possible if your own heart and mind are of high character and you possess qualities that make you admirable. Work on improving your good qualities, and learn to remove hatred and bad feelings from your heart. If you feel that you feel envious, jealous, or hate towards people, read articles and books about how to overcome these feelings and replace them with only positive ones. The book ‘’The Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind by Joseph Murphy’’ really helped me understand how to work on controlling my mind to fulfill my dreams and reach happiness. 

We do not realize that negative feelings come so often in our hearts, and we don’t realize that we need to let them pass and not hold onto them because holding onto negative thoughts is very dangerous for you, the bad things happening in your life are only because of these low thoughts in your mind. Learn and research how your mind, the subconscious mind affects the events in your life and how to control your mind to bring about positive outcomes in your life. 

Promote Self-Care:

  • Prioritize your physical well-being 

Taking care of your physical health not only contributes to confidence but also influences how you are perceived by others. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy to make it a sustainable part of your routine.  Engaging in regular physical activity not only keeps you fit but also releases endorphins, improving your mood and overall well-being. Taking out time to learn traditional and modern ways to improve your body naturally is very fruitful, whether it be YouTube tutorials, articles, or just your aunts, read and sit with these treasures of knowledge who have time-tested skincare routines and home remedies that are gentle, sustainable and timeless. traditional beauty practices have a strong foundation in natural ingredients and provide effective, permanent results with no side effects. Be conscious about what you eat, enjoy food but also limit it during days where you feel you are gaining weight. Being mindful of your clothing and accessories can contribute to your overall image. Style makes you feel confident and can have a positive impact on your self-esteem. When you feel good physically, it often enhances your mental and emotional state, contributing to an overall sense of strength and well-being.

In conclusion, incorporating kindness into your essence can transform you into a delightful individual, drawing others to you. Building genuine connections with like-minded people creates a strong support system, laying the foundation for an empowering empire around you.  Empower yourself with achieving financial freedom because it helps you to get out of the shadows of others and be the boss of your own life where you make your own decisions unapologetically and reach beyond the skies. Most crucially, prioritize self-growth and self-care, polishing yourself into the attractive woman everyone aspires to be. Focus on both mental and physical well-being, allowing you to carry yourself gracefully and confidently in every room you enter. Your journey to becoming the strongest woman in the room begins with embracing kindness and cultivating a powerful, self-assured presence.


Rah the real way

Stories and spirituality by Rah