How to Follow Your Heart | listen to your heart

Introducing the topic 

Today I want to write about this thing that is very close to my heart, guess what, my heart! My heart is the closest thing to me and I love to listen to it as it helps and guides me to move forward in life and life the best way. Befriending your heart and learning to listen to it should be the most important lesson to learn in life and wish every single person on this planet to learn to listen and follow their heart to live a beautiful life. 

How to Follow Your Heart 

Your inner self is divine. It knows the right ways, the truth already. As A. HELWA says in her book ‘Secrets of Divine Love, “At the soul level every person, regardless of conscious belief, is fully aligned with the Divine,’’ 

Your inner voice is the real voice as it aligns with your values, goals, and purpose and that feels authentic and fulfilling to you. It aligns perfectly with nature and knows all the laws already, It is a complete map and a guide for your life. Your inner voice is the voice of your heart. 

But the voice of the heart becomes hidden due to the dust accumulated on it which is our false perceptions made by our surroundings, and environment and accompanied by our ego.

Our purpose is to remove that dust and clear our consciousness to manifest our true inner self which will act as a guide for us to find the true path. 

Paying attention to your inner voice by canceling out the outward noises is a way to follow your intuition and clear your conscious. The inner voice is not contaminated with fears of judgment, failure, or any other false perceptions, unlike the outward voices which are conceived by what we see, hear, feel, or perceive as true. But they are only fake sculptures made by the world and seen by our conscious mind as reality. Your intuition enables you to tap into your subconscious mind and access information that is not available to your conscious mind.

Listening to your inner voice and canceling out the outward voices happens gradually. When you overcome fears and doubts and begin to see the falseness in those outward voices and the truth in the inner voice,  you become confident and brave enough to accept that what society has falsely cultivated in you is not the truth but what you feel inside and what you feel comfortable with is your salvation and the right way to live. This is how you become able to listen and follow your inner guidance.

Going inside of you deeply requires integrity and truthfulness to yourself, you need to pass through all the lies you have made up in your mind until you reach the truth. It is achieved by introspecting to find the underlying reasons behind your thoughts and beliefs, without any fear.  You need to be transparent and bold to yourself and open to any flaws you find in the way of your thinking. If you are going to perform an act that doesn’t seem quite align with your inner feelings even if it seems beneficial. You need truthfulness and bravery to listen to those inner feelings and act according to them. If you have a sense of integrity you will feel ashamed of doing anything that doesn't fit your inner self but if not then you ignore your intuition and act just on impulse causing harm to your soul. It is important to use your gut feeling as a guide for making decisions instead of choosing the convenient way to listen to the outward voices as they provide temporary satisfaction but never are you at peace with your inner self.

 The role of intellect and knowledge is very limited when you are looking inside of you. There exists no knowledge external to you that does not already reside within. You keep unfolding answers while you constantly question yourself without the need to look elsewhere. Gaining knowledge will only further testify your answers and provide evidence for your findings but if you fail to look inside of you, no external knowledge can benefit you or answer your questions. All your question have their answers which resides in your heart so look nowhere else other than your heart.

The mere desire to know the truth and wish to listen to your heart makes the universe know your wish and it helps you achieve that. There are a thousand things we have control over by which we can help ourselves but also there are a million others of which we have no control. Therefore we need to ask for help in those areas which is simply by wishing, desiring, wanting, and praying, which attracts the universe to help us find the real way to our hearts. 

My journal 

We are done with the topic of the blog. Following is just some random stuff I write to increase the length of my blog, if you want to give it a read you can have a glimpse in my mind. I have been dreaming of blogging for four years and last year I put action to my heart’s desire and started this blog. Honestly, it is an amazing experience, creating something that has been sitting in your mind and seeing your dreams turning into reality is life’s greatest blessing. I hope everyone finds their heart’s desires and their wishes come true. 

Thank you for reading!


Rah the real way

Stories and spirituality by Rah