How to stay motivated to write blog posts. Blogging

Introducing the topic 

The topic I want to talk about today is actually about this motivation that I have, to write every day and how I stay motivated to write blog posts every day. I am generally a very lazy person and one who procrastinates a lot and always delays doing my work whether it’s school or something I have to do on my own but seeing these 7 days' journey I am quite impressed my myself and quite motivated these days and want to share with you what keeps me focused on my blogging goal. If you are also struggling to stay motivated to write blogs for your blogging, then do consider reading further.

How do I stay motivated to write blog posts, every day?

  • Putting yourself up for a challenge 

The first thing I want to mention is what I have been talking about, signing yourself up for a challenge. I think that people who procrastinate a lot have a drive to prove themselves when they are challenged. When they are challenged to do something it hits their pride and they want to prove themselves to the one who challenges them, be it someone else or themselves. So setting up a challenge helped me to get up every day and take action for the sake of winning the challenge. 

  • Have a daily plan 

However, I know sometimes challenge does not work and you still choose to delay and procrastinate instead of pulling yourself up. Here you can apply another technique which is having a plan for your day. If you don’t know what you have to do today how will you do that thing? Knowing what part of your long-term goal you have to complete today makes your day productive and breaks your big goal into daily tasks. This helps you do consistent work and you are involved in your goal every day, as a result, you get to complete a lot of tasks. You don’t burden yourself with the thought when everything gets pilled up and you don’t get frustrated with the undone work. This way you will feel light and freshen up your mind and you will automatically be more active with a new spirit. 

My goal was to start my blogging journey but I used to write a post after months whenever I felt motivated to do so and that random posting didn’t bring any traffic to my blog. Then luckily I got this idea to put myself on a challenge that involved doing something every day and fortunately, it is working great. I just know that I have to do this task daily whether I am motivated or not and slowly it will develop into my muscle memory like brushing my teeth and I will do it every day subconsciously without having to drag myself to it. 

  • Watching motivational movies 

You know what I just learned recently. The type of movies you watch highly affects what type of person you become. If you watch comedy movies a lot, you become a funny person, and if you watch sports movies you want to become a player. Using this effect of movies on us in a way that benefits us is a great strategy to build something in your personality. Watching workaholic movies, where the characters are ambitious and hard-working warding inspires you to do the same. The 365-day challenge that I put myself up for was inspired by a movie named Julie and Julia where the girl wrote a blog for a year and it brought wonderful changes to her life. You can watch business movies where people work to grow their businesses like (The Intern), which is on Netflix, and (Girlboss), which is a series on Netflix that you can watch if you are an ambitious girl wanting to build something of her own and be your boss. There are many other movies and series that you can watch related to blogging or doing hard work that will help you stay motivated to write your blogs. 

  • Know what to write about 

Knowing what to write about has a huge impact on your motivation to write. When you don’t know what to write about how will you ever write, so the first thing is finding your topic. But that is also a very tiring decision, sometimes there are too many things you wanna write about and sometimes there is nothing you have, to write about. But let me help you here, the key is to go simple, and dive into the simplest things you know so that it is easy for you to write about it and you have enough knowledge of it. For example, if you have heard about to stock exchange, you might wanna write about it as it is a very popular topic but now that it is hard for you, you may write one or two posts and then your knowledge just runs out, so instead write about the things that you already do in life and are very simple for you, because it may be somethings that is extraordinary for someone else who doesn’t have that knowledge and wants to read about it. Even if you live in a village and get water every day from a well. That is the most basic and boring this for you but people who live in cities might not even have seen a well. You can write about that experience or how to take out water from it and someone might just want to know about how to take water out of a well. This way you will enjoy writing as you will have a lot and say and you will stay motivated to write. 

  • Having the right intentions 

Last but the most important thing that helps you in your life to stay motivated or generally excel in life is setting up good intentions. I believe whatever good or bad comes to your life is because of your intentions and thoughts. Good intentions bring a lot more fruit than hard work. Hard is also very imperative but not before intentions. Never build negative thoughts in your mind keep a healthy mind and heart towards others and yourself and you will see how the universe opens its blessing upon you and guides you toward your goal with gifts you never imagined you would have. I never knew I would have this amazing idea of this 365-day challenge that helped me so much to stay motivated to write my blogs for which I have been struggling to stay focused. I believe it is a gift of the universe as I was not capable of thinking that and it was only bestowed upon me due to my prayers and right intentions. 

My journal 

We are done with the topic of the blog. Following are some random thoughts I write in this part of the blog to connect and also to increase my word count of the blog. If you do give it a read I’d appreciate that. Starting blogging and being successful in it has been a goal of mine for a long time now and I have been setting up my website for a year now but was never motivated enough to write the blog posts, probably because of how overwhelming of a task it seems and also I never knew what to right about, but luckily I got this idea to write every day and see where this takes me and write about simple things that I learn so that I have enough to say. That is why I stay motivated to write blogs and will continue to do so. 

Thank you for reading!


Rah the real way

Stories and spirituality by Rah